Processing trauma, recovering from trauma, healing trauma – these are the phrases we think about when entering trauma therapy. Trauma feels impossibly stuck, clouding the truth that you are not your trauma, so it's hard to imagine the potential for growth that lays beyond. Clearing away some of these barriers can create new perspectives about your self, your past, and your world.
In the healing that follows trauma you can experience a sense of coherence that allows:
the ability to talk about how the past has shaped your behaviors, beliefs, and relationships;
the ability to make meaningful connections;
the ability to feel grounded in polarities, conflicting narratives, and contradictions;
the ability to view your adversity as part of your story, and not the whole you.
post-traumatic growth
- Arielle Schwartz, PhD Resilience and Post-Traumatic Growth
"Over time, you take the many threads of your life experiences and weave them into a single fabric. You weave in your strengths and your struggles. You begin to notice patterns and themes. Most importantly, you recognize yourself as the weaver."
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